
SNU Dementia Research Center

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Hyun Beom Song, M.D., Ph.D

Assistant Professor
  • Department of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology
  • Department of Biomedical Sciences
  • Seoul National University, College of Medicine

Contact information

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    +82-2-740-8342 (Office)

    +82-2-740-8346 (Lab)

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Recent Publication (selected)

1.    Investigation of tissue cysts in the retina in a mouse model of ocular toxoplasmosis: distribution and interaction with glial cells. Parasitol Res. (2018) 117(8):2597-2605.

2.    Intracorneal Injection of a Detachable Hybrid Microneedle for Sustained Drug Delivery. Acta Biomater. (2018) 80:48-57.

3.    Disruption of outer blood-retinal barrier by Toxoplasma gondii-infected monocytes is mediated by paracrinely activated FAK signaling. PLoS One. (2017) 12(4):e0175159.

Research Interests

1.    Retinal infection by protozoa Toxoplasma gondii

(1)  Reactivation mechanism

(2)  Immune response in chronic infection

(3)  Blood-retinal barrier disruption

2.    Infectious keratitis

(1)  Diagnostic approach with metagenomic analysis

(2)  Therapeutic approaches for Acanthamoeba keratitis

3.    Ocular drug delivery with microneedle